Lisa Archuletta
As a San Bernardino native and SBVC alum, Lisa Archuletta has been working at the
college for the past 12 years, currently as a food service specialist in the Child
Development Center.
When she began attending SBVC, Lisa could only take one course at a time. She gradually became a full-time student, graduated from SBVC and then was hired as an entry-level child development aide.
She continuously took on more responsibility with the Food Service area. Over the course of completing her degree and becoming an SBVC employee, her children have been her motivation, striving to set the best example for them. Lisa is a single mother of two sets of twins and finally became a grandmother.
When Lisa is given the opportunity to promote higher education to students at SBVC and elsewhere, she does just that.
Before Lisa became a Food Service Specialist, she spent many days and nights researching her future career. Food service is a job that starts while the rest of the world is still sleeping so Lisa has to be up before her alarm clock rings. But with a job she loves, she does not mind the extra early wake-up call.
Archuletta has designed computer tracking programs to ensure accurate reporting and also found creative and innovative ways of improving the food program.
Through the years at SBVC, Lisa has learned patience and makes it a point to go out of her way to create a positive work environment for herself and her colleagues.