Jeff Klug
San Bernardino Valley College Police Academy Director Jeff Klug has retired from the
program after 29 years on campus.
Klug started his law enforcement career in 1975 as a paid intern at California Youth Authority Parole in Santa Ana. In 1977 he was hired by the California Department of Corrections as a correctional officer. He soon graduated the CHP Academy five years later and worked in Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, South Los Angeles and Barstow areas.
His special assignments included CHP and San Bernardino Sheriff’s Academy instructor, protective services detail member for three presidents, honor guard sergeant, canine sergeant, motorcycle sergeant and mobile field force sergeant and lieutenant.
In 1988, San Bernardino Valley College hired Klug as a community services instructor to teach Traffic School, Mature Driving and Civilian Pepper Spray classes. When the SBVC Extended Academy opened in December 1991, he served as academy instructor, tactical officer, academy coordinator and then academy director over the course of the next 26 years.
The Class #36 Extended Law Enforcement Academy Graduation, held in October 2017, was Klug’s final time awarding certificates to graduating students. He was presented with a congratulatory plaque by SBVC President Diana Rodriguez and Dean of Social Sciences Wallace Johnson.
One Class #36 graduate said, “Director Klug is very inspirational and great leader. He wants what is best for every trainee and is around to help anyone that needs it"
Another graduate said, “The Director is excellent about all aspects of the Academy. He kept the Academy organized. He makes this Academy great!”
The students’ class motto “Bravery is the Face of Fear.” One program trainee interpreted this motto as, “Courage is not always just ‘stepping up to the plate’ when no one else will but to also have the mental and physical courage to always do the right thing.”
And Jeff Klug has been doing the right thing for 40 years now. We congratulate Director Klug on his retirement and thank you for all your service.