Kevin Kammer
Kevin Kammer is someone who can say he has the best of both worlds. Not only does
he devote his time to education and his students, he also loves what he does.
As students walk into the classroom nervous and scared, Kammer knows exactly how they
feel because he was in their shoes 35 years ago as an SBVC student.
In 2000, Kevin started teaching at SBVC with nothing more than his Associates’ degree
and his experience as a technician with movies and TV shows, where he prepared equipment
for filming.
Since then, he has obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Although he originally
planned to turn down the offer of an instructor’s position at SBVC, 11 years later,
he cannot see himself anywhere else.
At times, he may find a lot on his plate, but the students are the key to his inspiration
and sanity. Kammer admits a commonly heard refrain in his classroom that never gets
old is, “Mr. Kammer, I want to be just like you when I grow up.”
Kammer also has arranged the donations of two aircraft and a FedEx jet engine to SBVC
to help students’ learning experiences in the Aeronautics program.
When he is not teaching about airframe and powerplant at SBVC, he spends his free
time as a flight instructor. Kammer also enjoys traveling, waterskiing and parasailing.
On his bucket list: skydiving and the free-floating of bareboating.
Kevin enjoys learning from past and current students, especially hearing from former
students and about their career pursuits.