Integrated College Planning

College planning at San Bernardino Valley College is the process of establishing clear directions that align with the college's mission, vision, and values. These plans are developed collaboratively with input from our faculty, students, classified professionals, management, and community partners. The process involves determining planning priorities, implementing action items, and tracking progress toward the completion of objectives. The process of integrating the plans includes aligning the goals and supporting action items.

Plan Alignment Table

Educational Master Plan

The Educational Master Plan is a plan of high-priority Strategic Directions and Supporting Actions created to support the four SBCCD goals:

  1. Eliminate Barriers to Student Access and Success
  2. Be a Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, and Anti-Racist Institution
  3. Be a Leader and Partner in Addressing Regional Issues
  4. Ensure Fiscal Accountability/Sustainability

This plan serves as a blueprint for the 2023-2028 academic years and is a living document that will be actively reviewed and updated throughout its existence to accommodate the needs of the students and communities we serve.

2023-2028 SBVC Educational Master Plan

Educational Master Plan One Sheet

Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Priorities

In 2018, the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program was established by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. It merged funding for three initiatives: the Student Success and Support Program; the Basic Skills Initiative; and Student Equity. Integrating these efforts into a single program advances our goal of demolishing once and for all the achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented populations.

Under the SEA Program, colleges are required to implement the Guided Pathways framework offering a clear path to a stated goal, to provide all students with an education plan based on that goal, and to toss aside outdated and inaccurate placement policies that are keeping far too many from completing their goals in a timely manner. Colleges must also maintain a Student Equity Plan.

SEA focuses on five specific metrics, or success indicators, to measure student success:

Successful Enrollment

The percentage of first-time college students who apply and successfully enroll in the same academic year.

Term-to-Term Persistence

The percentage of first-time college students who enrolled in the subsequent primary term after their first primary term, where primary terms are Fall and Spring.

Transfer-Level Math and English Completion

The percentage of first-time college students who complete transfer-level math and English within their first year of enrollment.

Vision Goal Completion

The percentage of first-time college students who complete a certficate or associate's degree within three academic years of starting at the college.

Transfer to a 4-Year University

The percentage of first-time college students who transfer to a 4-year university within four academic years of starting at the college.

Student Equity and Achievement Data

Guided Pathways

The Guided Pathways Work Plan is designed to ensure meaningful communication and intentional partnerships across campus. The plan consists of ten question groups focused on two areas: the progress of the SEA metrics and the progress of integrating Guided Pathways with the Student Equity and Achievement, Associate Degree for Transfer, Zero Textbook Cost, California Adult Education, and the Strong Workforce Programs on campus (metrics 6 through 10).

2022-2026 Guided Pathways Work Plan

Guided Pathways Work Plan One Sheet

Guided Pathways Committee

Student Equity Plan

The Student Equity Plan is focused on boosting achievement as measured by the five SEA metrics. Detailed goals and measures were created to address the disparities and disproportionate impact (DI) discovered within specific student populations across the metrics.

2022-2025 Student Equity Plan

Student Equity Plan One Sheet

Enrollment Management and Student Equity Committee