
Guided Pathways is a whole-college redesign model designed to help all students explore, choose, plan, and complete programs aligned with their career and education goals efficiently and affordably. It is an equity-focused framework that allows us to forge clear paths for students and remove systemic obstacles to their success. The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program requires colleges to implement the Guided Pathways framework.

Committee Information

The Guided Pathways Committee develops and implements strategies that promote student success and equity throughout students' academic careers.

The Steering Committee meets every second Tuesday from 3-4pm.
The General Committee meets every fourth Tuesday from 3-4pm.

Committee Membership

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Guided Pathways Work Plan

The Guided Pathways Work Plan is designed to ensure meaningful communication and intentional partnerships across campus. The plan consists of ten question groups focused on two areas: the progress of the SEA metrics (see below) and the progress of integrating Guided Pathways with the SEA, Associate Degree for Transfer, Zero Textbook Cost, California Adult Education, and the Strong Workforce Programs on campus (metrics 6 through 10).

2022-2026 Guided Pathways Work Plan

Work Plan One Sheet

Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Metrics

In 2018, the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program was established by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. It merged funding for three initiatives: the Student Success and Support Program; the Basic Skills Initiative; and Student Equity. Integrating these efforts into a single program advances our goal of demolishing once and for all the achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented populations.

Under the SEA Program, colleges are required to implement the Guided Pathways framework offering a clear path to a stated goal, to provide all students with an education plan based on that goal, and to toss aside outdated and inaccurate placement policies that are keeping far too many from completing their goals in a timely manner. SEA focuses on five specific metrics, or success indicators, to measure student success:

Successful Enrollment

The percentage of first-time college students who apply and successfully enroll in the same academic year.

Term-to-Term Persistence

The percentage of first-time college students who enrolled in the subsequent primary term after their first primary term, where primary terms are Fall and Spring.

Transfer-Level Math and English Completion

The percentage of first-time college students who complete transfer-level math and English within their first year of enrollment.

Vision Goal Completion

The percentage of first-time college students who complete a certficate or associate's degree within three academic years of starting at the college.

Transfer to a 4-Year University

The percentage of first-time college students who transfer to a 4-year university within four academic years of starting at the college.

Student Equity and Achievement Data

Guided Pathways Framework

The Guided Pathways framework was developed in 2015 by the Community College Research Center (CCRC), and calls for systematic changes in policies, practices, and systems in four areas, which have become known as the "Pillars" of Guided Pathways.

Pillars of Guided Pathways

Clarify the Path

Students can explore pathways to employment and future education. Clearly mapped programs help students set goals and understand time frames to achieve their goals. Colleges map programs that align with employment in fields of importance to the region and future of work and establish transfer pathways through alignment of pathway courses and expected learning outcomes with transfer institutions.

Enter the Path

Students take courses relevant to their program of study and that count towards their degree or credential and minimize extra courses and time. Colleges redesign traditional remediation to ensure students receive equitable placement and support services.

Stay on the Path

Students get the support they need to stay on track, including nudges and reminders, community-based support and other help. Students have resources to monitor their own progress and have access to counseling and advising. Colleges provide proactive and intentional academic and career advising, and responsive student tracking systems align with specific interventions to ensure students stay on the path, persist and progress.

Ensure Learning

Student learning aligns with student interest and employer expectations. Colleges use data, analytics and other college systems track student learning and signal when instructional support and co-curricular activities are needed.

Goals of Guided Pathways

Guided Pathways seeks to achieve the following four goals by implementing the above framework throughout the campus.


Advance Equity

Removing barriers that today’s students face, particularly students of color, first-generation students, students from low-income backgrounds, and working adults.

Transform the Institution

A highly structured, comprehensive approach to systemic change to improve students’ attainment of skills, credentials, and socioeconomic mobility. It is founded on the principle that everything can and should change.

Redefine Readiness

Fundamentally shifting the conversation about what it means to put students first, encouraging colleges to focus on their readiness for students rather than students’ readiness for college.

Redesign Supports

Recognizing that students need more than financial support and resources to be successful. It allows colleges to recognize and holistically support students’ academic and non-academic needs.



CCCCO Guided Pathways

CCRC Guided Pathways