Online Tutoring Instructions

Tutorial on How to Use the Writing Center's Services


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Online Tutoring is a FREE writing service that is offered to San Bernardino Valley College students.

Please note that Online Tutoring is NOT a proofreading service, but a resource to help students to improve as writers through comments, suggestions, and guidance.

Students who use any of the Writing Center's services may be enrolled in the LST-606 noncredit course.  Students will not be charged for the course, nor will it affect their GPA.  It is used to document usage of services to help with apportionment funding for tutoring/learning services.  For more information, click here.

Online tutors can help you with the following:

1.  Understanding your assignment

2.  Reviewing your paper

3.  Answering your questions about grammar

Tutoring Tip 1For students who wish to work visually with a tutor during their online tutoring session, click on the following link for instructions on how to use Zoom for tutoring. 

Instructions on How to Use Zoom for Tutoring

Tutoring Tip 2:  You do not have to have a paper written to be assisted by a tutor!  Tutors can support you in the following ways (Note:  This service is only available with Zoom tutoring sessions.  Remember to attach/copy and paste your assignment instructions/prompt for your paper to your email to be sent to your tutor.  Also remember to access the Zoom link that is provided in your appointment confirmation email at the time of your appointment.):

  • Helping you to better understand your assignment
  • Helping you to come up with ideas to include in your paper
  • Helping you to organize ideas and provide you with insight on how you can structure your paper.

Tutoring Tip 3:  You do not need to be present to be assisted by a tutor! (Note:  This service is only available with email tutoring sessions.  Remember to attach your assignment instructions/prompt for your paper to your email to be sent to your tutor).

  • If you are pressed for time, or you do not have any questions to ask the tutor and have already completed typing your paper, feel free to just email your paper (saved as a .DOC or .DOCX file) and your assignment instructions/prompt to the tutor with the requested information.  Your tutor will provide feedback on your paper/assignment and email it back to you attached to your verification email (Note:  Verification emails are only provided with tutoring sessions that are 25 minutes or more).

  • Computer or laptop with Internet access
  • Telephone or cellphone (Required only if you want to be assisted by Zoom)
  • Basic knowledge of email usage
  • An active Student I.D. number
  • An active SBVC email account (Note: Messages sent using personal email accounts, such as hotmail or yahoo, may be blocked.)
  • Microsoft Word or Open Office to type papers/assignments
  • The paper that you have written saved as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. If you use Microsoft Word, then it automatically saves your paper in the correct format.
  • The prompt/homework instructions as provided by your instructor.
    • The following are acceptable formats to email the tutor: 1) pictures/photos of assignments; 2) PDF/document files from instructors, or 3) screenshots of assignment instructions from Canvas/web pages.


Follow these five easy steps to make appointments to have your tutor review your paper.

Important Note:  If you have successfully submitted your email to the Online Tutoring service, you should receive an email from Writing Tutor indicating that your email was received.  If you do not receive this email, then your email was not properly submitted.  Please check the Online Tutoring email address and try sending your email again.

Step 1

Make an appointment with a tutor via the following link.

For detailed instructions on how to make a tutoring appointment, click on the following link.  Appointment Instructions


Step 2: 

Use your SBVC email to send your paper and/or assignment instructions to the online tutor at:

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  Include the following information in the subject line of your email:

*  NAME of your tutor

*  TIME and DATE of your appointment

Example:  picture of subject line of email


Step 3

In the body of your message, include the following information.

*  Your full name

Your SBVC student ID number

Your class

*  We can help you in one of three ways: 1) email or 2) Zoom.

1. Assistance by EMAIL:  If you want to be assisted by email, don't include a phone number or the words Zoom appointment.  Use this method for tutoring if you already have a paper typed and only want feedback on your paper.  Note:  If you have questions about your assignment or if you have questions about formatting (e.g., MLA or APA), it is best to either request to be assisted by Zoom.

2. Assistance by ZOOM:  If you want to be assisted via Zoom, type Zoom appointment and include your telephone number.  Use this method if you want the tutor to work on your paper with you via Zoom.  A Zoom link will be sent to your SBVC email.  Access it at or a few minutes before your Zoom session.  IMPORTANT NOTE If you wish to be assisted by Zoom, you will be asked to share your paper/assignment via the Share Screen feature in Zoom and you will be responsible for adding the tutor's suggestions, feedback and notes to your paper/assignment.

Example:      John Smith


English 101

Zoom appointment (for Zoom sessions)

(909) XXX-XXXX (for Zoom sessions and for telephone sessions)


Step 4

The Writing Center's Online Tutoring service can assist you if you do not yet have a paper written as well as if you have a completed draft.

Instructions for students who have not yet written a paper:

NOTE: You do not have to have a paper written to be assisted by a tutor!  (This service is ONLY available for Zoom tutoring sessions.)

If you have not yet written your paper, the tutor can assist you by:

*  Helping you to better understand your assignment

*  Helping you to come up with ideas to include in your paper

*  Organize ideas and provide you with insight on how you can structure your paper.

To talk with your tutor about your paper, in the body of your email, let the tutor know what you would like the tutor to talk with you about during your tutoring session.  Be sure to attach the prompt/assignment instructions to your email, so your tutor knows the expectations of your instructor. 

Instructions for students who have already written a paper for review:

Be sure to attach your paper as a .DOC or .DOCX file.  If you use Microsoft Word to type your paper, your paper will automatically be saved as a .DOC or .DOCX file.

*  Include your instructor’s assignment for your paper so the tutor knows what your instructor’s expectations are for your assignment. 

*  IMPORTANT NOTE:  Tutors ARE NOT able to accept the following formats:  Google docs, .PDF files, or .pages  

TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT If you used Google Docs to write your paper, you need to convert it to a .DOC or .DOCX file.  To convert your Google Doc file into a .DOCX file, follow the instructions below:

1) Open your paper in Google Docs.

2) Click on File on the top the web-page.

3) Click on Download.

4) Select Microsoft Word and save your file as a .DOCX file. 

5) Attach this file to the email for your online tutor.  (Note:  If you are using a Chromebook, you may need to save the file to a USB drive before attaching the document to your paper.)

Additional support:  If you are using a SBVC issued laptop, you may follow the instructions listed below:

1) Open your paper in Google Docs.

2) Click on File

3) Click on Email

4) Click on Email this file

5) In the "To" field of the email, type in

6) In the "Subject" field of the email, type in the name of your tutor, the time of the appointment and the day of your appointment.

7) In the "Message" field of the email, type in your first and last name, your student ID, your class, as well as how you want to be assisted (i.e., email, telephone or Zoom).

8) Click on the arrow next to the letters PDF.


10) Click "Send."

IMPORTANT REMINDER: To help the tutor to properly guide you on your paper, be sure to also include your instructor's prompt/topic/detailed instructions about your assignment.

The following are acceptable formats to email your assignment instructions/prompt/topic to the tutor:

1) Pictures/photos of assignments

2) PDF/document files from instructors

3) Screenshots of assignment instructions from Canvas/web pages

*  If you also want to talk with your tutor about your paper, assignment or grammar issues, let the tutor know what you want to work on in the message section of your email.  Remember to email the tutor with your request to be assisted via Zoom.



If you have requested a Zoom session with a tutor, at the time of your appointment access the Zoom link that was provided in your appointment confirmation email.  If you made an online appointment for a Zoom session and did not receive a Zoom link in your confirmation email, send an email request to  In your email, include the following information: your full name, your tutor's name, the day and time of your appointment, and that you would like to be assisted via Zoom.

Note 1 You may receive a call from a private or unknown number.  This is most likely from the tutor if you receive it during your appointment time.  The tutor will attempt to call you two (2) times.  If the tutor is not able to get in contact with you by the second attempt, the tutor will review your paper remotely and submit it back to you on the same day as your appointment.

Note 2:  With Zoom tutoring sessions, a tutor will advise and provide feedback to a student verbally.  It is the student's responsibility to take notes and make any changes to her/his own paper.

Note 3 As a reminder, if you have successfully submitted your email, you should receive an email confirmation from the Online Tutoring service from the sender Writing Tutor.  If you do not receive this email, please check the Online Tutoring email address and resubmit your paper.

Note 4:  After your online tutoring session of 25 mintues or more is complete, you will receive a verification email that you can forward to your instructor.  In the email is a blue box with a survey link for you to complete to let the Writing Center know about your tutoring experience.