Are you feeling sick and run down? Do you have some health questions? Has it been a long time since you had a health check-up? Physical Health services are here to help!

Services Available

RNs can help you with a variety of things including:

  • First Aid
  • Screening for Blood pressure, Blood sugar, percent body fat, BMI, waist size, temperature, pulse, and breathing pattern
  • Evaluate an illness and make recommendations. 
  • Immunization review and guidance
  • Answer questions about a variety of health issues including unusual symptoms, sexually transmitted diseases, injury care and recovery, healthy weight/diet/sleep/illness prevention, stress, and so on
  • Provide over-the-counter medication to get you through the day if you have a headache, stomach ache, allergy symptoms, congestion, or other symptoms making it difficult to focus on class.
NP can provide you with physician-type services including:
  • Medication & birth control refills
  • Fever, allergies, colds/flu, sore throat, pink eye
  • Diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, heartburn
  • Skin problems such as rashes
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headaches
  • STI screening
  • Family Pact
  • birth control initiation/refill
  • STI screening
  • UTI
What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies, like computers, tablets and smartphones, to access and manage your health care online away from your healthcare provider’s office. These may be technologies you use from home or that your provider uses to improve or support health care online. 

Required Devices
  • Smartphone
  • Desktop/laptop with a two-way webcam
  • Audio capability before, during & after appointment
Required Software
  • Download software
  • Create a Zoom Account with SBVC Student Email

Get Started with Student Health Services

Make An Appointment

Call (909) 384-4495 to make an appointment with our Nurse Practitioner or a Mental Health Counselor.  You can also drop-in during our open hours to meet with the SBVC nurse.

Should you need information about your rights as a patient, please refer to the Notice of Privacy Practices.