• 65% of students report that they skipped buying or renting an assigned book because of cost.
  • Nearly half of all students say that the cost of course materials impacts which classes and how many classes they are able to take.

Open Textbook Alliance, Creative Commons License 4.0



Open Textbook Alliance, Creative Commons License 4.0

SBVC Student Services to Help You Use OER

If you prefer a print version of the digital textbook, you should be able to purchase a print low cost version through the campus bookstore.

You can also check with the Library Reserve Desk as your professor may have placed one or several print versions on reserve for you to check out for two or more hours.

The professor may have a couple extra print copies to lend to students in the class. If a professor loans you a print OER textbook, please honor the favor by returning the material to your professor, even if you do not complete the class since most likely the textbook was printed or purchased using college funds and therefore is the property of the college.

If you are registered with the campus Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS), the office can work with you and the professor to make sure the OER material is ADA compliant. Please note that DSPS office does not need any copyright permissions to use various assistive technologies to transcribe OER materials since OER instructional materials have an open license.

Open educational resources are all about sharing. If you purchased a print version of an OER textbook, consider donating it to your professor at the end of the semester so h/she can lend to other students. You can also donate OER textbooks to the Associated Student Government or Student Life Office.  

If you need access to computers with internet access to view OER instructional materials, the campus has several computer lab locations:

  • Computer Lab is located in LA-206 and is open Mondays through Fridays 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
  • Library houses the open computer laboratory with over 100 personal computers and WiFi access.

If you are a member of special programs such as EOPS, STAR/Trio, CalWorks, Veterans Services, Dreamers Services, Valley Bound, etc. you may have access to computers, print services, or textbook vouchers. Check with the coordinators of these programs for more information.

A complete list of SBVC Student Support Services.