Find and Explore Open Educational Resources

How to Attribute or Cite OER with Creative Commons Licenses

The following links include an extensive list of directories and websites you can access to find OER educational content, images, videos, and music. Also included are OER collections containing a variety of course materials, such as readings, quizzes, simulations, and assignments.

OpenStax Textbooks

Open Stax and Canvas Commons

  • Find Open Stax OER Textbooks Canvas Shells in your Canvas Commons Account

Intellus Learning OER Database (Contact for log-in information)

California Open Online Library for Education


Creative Commons
Here is an example how to look for materials using Creative Commons.

  1. Type: critical thinking english textbook
  2. Click the Google Box
  3. Click Search

How to Use Google Advance Search to Find OER


How to Search OER Commons


How to Make Attributions When Using Creative Commons Licensed OER


OER Search Tips


How to Search Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)