Academic Senate Executive Committee & Division Representatives

2023 – 2024 Academic Year

The Academic Senate uses SharePoint and Canvas frequently. All current senators should have access to both sites. Please inform the President and Secretary if you do not. 

Executive Committee
  • President – Andrea Hecht
  • Vice President – Tatiana Vasquez
  • Secretary – Jamie Salyer
  • Past President – Davena Burns-Peters
  • Accreditation and Outcomes Faculty Co-Chair – Dr. Celia Huston
  • Curriculum Faculty – Thomas Berry
  • Professional Development – Rania Hamdy
  • Program Review Chair – Davena Burns-Peters
  • Academic Faculty At-Large Representative (pilot membership) – 
  • Adjunct Faculty At-Large Representative (pilot membership) – 
  • Student Services Faculty At-Large Representative (pilot membership) – 
Executive Committee Advisory
  • Career Technical Education Chair – Vacant
  • Educational Policy Chair – Vacant
  • Elections Chair – Vacant
  • Equal Opportunity Chair – Vacant
  • Financial Policy – Vacant
  • Legislative Chair – Vacant
  • Personnel Policy Chair – Vacant
  • Student Services Chair – Vacant
Frequent Guests of the Academic Senate
  • Distance Education Committee Co-Chairs – Davena Burns-Peters and Margaret Worsley
  • Guided Pathways Committee Co-Chair – Anthony Castro
  • Honors Committee Chair – Ed Gomez
  • Noncredit Faculty Lead – Maria Lopez
  • OER Liaison – Dr. Robert Brown
By-Laws 121 “…Each division shall be entitled to at least one (1) representative. In totaling division membership for representation on the Academic Senate, each major fraction of five (three) will entitle a division to an additional representative…” Term Ending Spring of: 
Academic Success & Learning Services (7 FT faculty, 1 senator)  
Patti Wall 2024
Applied Technology, Transportation & Culinary Arts (16 FT faculty, 3 senators)  
Stacy Meyer 2024
Arts & Humanities (37 FT faculty, 7 senators)  
Tammy Allen 2024
Thomas Berry 2025
Carol Damgen 2026
Joel Lamore 2026
David Rosales 2025
Mathematics, Business & Computer Technology  (26 FT faculty, 5 senators)  
Samuel Addington 2025
Science (38 FT faculty, 8 senators)  
Carol Jones 2025
Jessy Lemieux 2025
Matt Robles 2026
Melissa Romero 2026
Maria Valdez 2024
Tatiana Vasquez 2025
Social Sciences, Human Development & Physical Education (26 FT faculty, 5 senators)  
John Banola 2024
Kellie Barnett 2025
Danielle Graham


Lisa Henkle  2024
Denise Knight  2027
Student Services (30 FT faculty, 6 senators)  
Erica Begg 2026
Armando Garcia 2024
Andrea Hecht 2025
Jamie Herrera 2025
Patricia Jones 2024
Elizabeth "Beth" Larivee 2026
Adjunct Faculty Senators (3 total)  
Eric Craft 2024
Senobio Aguilera 2024
Nahn Zuick 2024