Task Force Charge

The SBVC Participatory Governance Task Force is charged with reviewing and refining San Bernardino Valley College's governance processes to improve decision-making processes in support of enhancing student success, improving the student experience, and ensuring equitable access and outcomes through an effective, inclusive governance system.  

Over the course of the next year, the task force will:

Review and refine SBVC’s current committee structure to increase efficiencies and effectiveness in accordance with AB 1725, ACCJC standards, CA Education Code, Title 5 regulations, and relevant district policies;
Engage representatives from all campus constituencies to create a transparent recommendation- and decision-making process;
Develop a Participatory Governance Handbook outlining governance philosophies, committee structures, and decision-making processes.
Present final recommendations to College Council, Academic Senate, and Classified Senate for support and adoption.


The following members represent the four groups of constituents in our college's participatory governance.

All the members listed here are voting members. 


  • TBD S'25


  • Ernest Guillen, Student Services Division
  • Marie Maghuyop, Student Services Division
  • Vinnie Wu, RP&IE Division


  • Erica Begg, Student Services Division
  • Anthony Blacksher, SSHD&KH Division
  • Jeremiah Gilbert, MB&CT Division
  • Tatiana Vasquez, Science Division; Co-Chair


  • Ray Carlos, Dean of Student Engagement & Wellness
  • Dan Mayo, Director of STEM-MESA
  • Joanna Oxendine, RP&IE Division
  • Sergio Zazueta, Director of Facilities, Maintenance, & Operations