"San Bernardino Valley College provides quality education and services that support a diverse community of learners."  Maintaining the quality of education is primary no matter what the delivery mode of the class.  Further, all elements of curriculum and instruction should be driven by andragogy, not by technology. Regarding Curriculum and Instruction, the Online Learning Plan includes the following goals, objectives, benchmarks, responsible parties, and timelines.


Objective 2.1

Curriculum Review processes will be regularly reviewed and amended when necessary


Responsible Party(ies)



a.  Approval Process reviewed 

Chair, Curriculum Committee, Co-Chairs Online Programs Committee

Spring, 2012 DONE


b.  Relevant Title 5 sections reviewed and reported


2012 & ongoing


c.  Processes updated as required by a and b








Objective 2.2

Create and maintain a high quality learning environment for online learning


Responsible Party(ies)



a. "Regular Effective Contact" reviewed in mind of the standards of Title 5 and ACCJC


Spring, 2012 DONE


b. Develop a "Comprehensive Quality Control Process" to describe and guide the creation and maintenance of a high quality learning environment


August, 2011 DONE




Objective 2.3

All records of courses approved for DE delivery and offered in DE modalities will be maintained


Responsible Party(ies)



a. Verify current records

Deans, VPI

2012  DONE


b.  Maintain records as courses are approved for Distance Education delivery

Curriculum Committee, Co-Chairs Online Programs Committee, Faculty Chairs




Objective 2.4

Conduct research to gather data relevant to maintaining a quality online program


Responsible Party(ies)



a.  Compare SLOs and/or alternate assessments in hybrid lecture/lab sections with on campus lecture/lab sections

Michael Torrez, OPC



b.  Research student success in subsequent courses for students who have taken introductory courses online

Institutional Research

Fall, 2011 NOT DONE YET


c.  Research student success in online classes when compared to face-to-face sections

Instructional Research

Annual, 2011-2013 NOT DONE YET