Accreditation Steering Committee

Committee Charge:

The Accreditation Steering Committee serves as a shared governance group that oversees the accreditation process for San Bernardino Valley College in conjunction with the San Bernardino Community College District. The committee is responsible for developing, monitoring, and coordinating the accreditation process to support the continual improvement of student learning, institutional effectiveness, and integrated planning. Members are to become experts on accreditation policies and standards and serve as resources to the college.

The Outcomes Faculty Lead will chair an ad-hoc Outcomes subcommittee of Accreditation Steering Committee with the goal of creating a charge, membership, and processes and becoming an independent committee by 2024/2025.

  1. Be active resources to the College and Board of Trustees regarding the accreditation process.
  2. Assist with training for faculty, staff, management, and students with regard to accreditation standards, policies, and procedures.
  3. Develop timelines and goals to recommend policies and procedures for the on-going accreditation process.
  4. Review, compile, organize, and analyze evidence for reports.
  5. Review and provide input for all accreditation reports, including the ISER, mid-term, and follow-up reports.
  6. Be inclusive and encourage participation from Campus and District ex-officio groups listed below when developing and reviewing Accreditation reports.
  7. Recommend the appointment of an accreditation report editor.
  8. Prepare for the accreditation team visit and participate, as needed.
  9. Provide input on the Accreditation Manual by reviewing guidelines and making recommendations on best practices.
  10. Serve as the campus conduit for decision-making by forwarding information to appropriate committees.
Meeting Information:

The Accreditation Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, unless otherwise noted. The committee meets during the academic year during the Fall and Spring semesters. 

Committee Membership:

Membership is comprised of at least 3 Vice Presidents or their designees (as appointed by the President), at least one faculty member per division, at least 2 classified staff members (as appointed by Classified Senate/CSEA), and one student.

  • Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO), Co-chair - Leticia Hector, Interim Vice President of Instruction
  • Accreditation Faculty Lead, Co-chair - Celia Huston
  • Outcomes Faculty Lead - Thomas Berry
  • Dean of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness - Joanna Oxendine
  • Vice President of Student Services - Yvonne Gutierrez-Sandoval
  • Vice President of Administrative Services - Keith Bacon

Faculty Representation by Division

  • Applied Technology, Transporation, and Culinary Arts
    Alexander Cruz
  • Arts & Humanities
    Davena Burns-Peters
  • Mathematics, Business, and Computer Technology
    Reginald Metu
    Bethany Tasaka
  • Science
    Fernando Gomez
    Joan Murillo
  • Social Sciences, Human Development, Kinesiology and Health
  • Student Services
    Rema Ghazaleh

Campus Ex-Officio Members

  • Academic Senate President
  • Associated Student Government (ASG)
  • College President
  • Classified Senate President
  • CSEA Union President
  • CTA Union President
  • Curriculum Chair
  • Director of Marketing and Public Relations
  • Distance Education Faculty Leads
  • Faculty Chairs
  • Guided Pathways Faculty Leads
  • Instructional Cabinet Representatives
  • Professional Development Coordinator
  • Program Review Chair
  • Student Services Council Representatives
  • Title IX Coordinator
  • Shared governance committee chairs

District Ex-Officio Members

  • Accreditation Liaison Officer (CHC)
  • Accreditation Liaison Officer (District)
  • Chancellor
  • Chancellor’s Counsel Representatives
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • District Director of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
  • Executive Vice Chancellor
  • Senior District Director of Marketing, Public Relations, and Legislative Affairs
  • Vice Chancellor of Business and Fiscal
  • Vice Chancellor of Educational Services
  • Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
  • Vice Chancellor of Workforce Development Advancement and Media Systems

Want to know more about Accreditation? Click here!