Food and Beverage Options on Campus

The Valley Grill is located at the Cafeteria on the main floor of the Lois Carson Campus Center. For the Fall of 2024 Semester, we will be open Monday - Thursday, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, and 7:00 am - 2:00 pm on Friday. 

Please take our Cafeteria Service Quality Survey. We would like to know how we are doing, and how we can improve.

Our goal is to serve the public in a consistent, fast, and equitable manner, click on our Notice To Customers to see Cafeteria Policies designed to make the most of your visit.

Click here for our menu.

Carne Asada Fries

The Snack Bar is temporarily closed pending staff availability. Here we serve pre-packaged sandwiches, soups, snacks, and beverages.. It is located on the first floor of the Physical Science building. Hours typically are from 9am to 3pm. Monday through Thursday, and closed on Friday.  

Snacks and Beverages can also be purchased around the clock at vending machines located throughout campus. Please contact us to report any maintenance issues or if you need a refund from a faulty vending transaction. Please see map below for vending locations. 

For general information or to place an order please call (909) 384-8746.

Pandemic Response

We are committed to keeping everyone safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Please follow the latest guidance posted in signage through-out the Cafeteria and Dining Hall. 

Click here for a chart summarizing our Pandemic Response. For a complete copy of the most recent version of our Site Specific Reopen Plan, please ask Cafeteria Management. Visit the SBCCD District website for latest district-wide information.     

Catering Services

For information about campus catering please call Erik at (909) 384-8671.

Catering menu

Catering Procedures

 Food Service Catering

Manager: Erik Morden

Food Map