Charge of the Committee:

The Distance Education Committee advises the Vice President of Instruction regarding issues related to online learning at the College.  In addition, the committee assists discipline faculty in the preparation of distance education requests to the Curriculum Committee.  The committee serves as a conduit of information among faculty, administration, and students by providing a technological vision for issues related to online learning.

Mission of the Committee:

The mission of the Distance Education Committee is the mission of SBVC:  "San Bernardino Valley College provides quality education and services that support a diverse community of learners."

Members of the Committee (2022- Fall 2024):

Davena Burns-Peters (Faculty Chair)

Dr. Stephanie Lewis (Administrative Co-Chair)

Maha Al-Husseini

Michael Assumma

Robert Brown

Thomas Berry

Kadir Galindo

Armando Garcia

Nader Gergis

Rania Hamdy

Lisa Henkle

Samantha Homier

Sheri Lillard

Maria Notarangelo

Adam Pave

Teri Strong

Michael Torrez

Kay Dee Yarbrough

Vacant-Student Senator

Meeting Schedule

The Distance Education Committee meets the first and third Friday of each month via Zoom from 1:00 pm-2:30pm.  

FALL 2024 Meeting Dates

Friday, September 6, 2024 Friday, October 4, 2024 Friday, November 1, 2024 Friday, December 6, 2024
Friday, September 20, 2024 Friday, October 18, 2024 Friday, November 15, 2024  

Interested faculty, staff, administrators, and students are always welcome to attend the meetings.  For the link to the virtual meetings, contact Davena Burns-Peters at