Curriculum Committee
Welcome to the San Bernardino Valley College Curriculum Committee home page.
The Curriculum Committee is committed to SBVC's mission to provide high-quality education, innovative instruction, and services to a diverse community of learners.
Curriculum Committee Charge -
Under AB1725, the Academic Senate has a responsibility to make recommendations with respect to Academic and Professional matters. Curriculum is an academic matter and, therefore, the curriculum committee is authorized by the Academic Senate to make recommendations about the curriculum of the college, including:
- Approval of new courses
- Deletion of existing courses
- Proposed changes in course
- Periodic review of course outlines
- Approval of proposed programs
- Deletion of programs
- Review of degree and certificate requirements
- Approval of prerequisites and corequisites
- Assessment of curriculum as needed
Here you will find resources and links for your curriculum needs.
Please feel free to contact us to answer your questions or to direct you to other
Curriculum Committee Administrator: Leticia Hector, Interim Vice President of Instruction
Curriculum Committee Faculty Chair: Thomas Berry